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Cortexolone Pubchem(440707)

17,21-Dihydroxypregn-4-ene-3,20-dione. A 17-hydroxycorticosteroid with glucocorticoid and anti-inflammatory activities.

KEGG Pathway(C05488,D03595)

  • C21-Steroid hormone metabolism

Activity Anti-inflammatory

Physiochemical properties of Estriol:
Physical Property Value Units Temp (deg C) Source
Melting Point 215 deg C EXP
log P (octanol-water) 3.08 (none) EXP
Water Solubility 15.2 mg/L 25 EST
Vapor Pressure 9.49E-12 mm Hg 25 EST
Henry's Law Constant 1.58E-06 atm-m3/mole 25 EST
Atmospheric OH Rate Constant 1.05E-10 cm3/molecule-sec 25 EST
Organism Test Type Route Reported Dose (Normalized Dose) Effect Source
mouse LD50 intravenous 100mg/kg (100mg/kg) U.S. Army Armament Research & Development Command, Chemical Systems Laboratory, NIOSH Exchange Chemicals. Vol. NX#04684,