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Acetylcholine Pubchem(187)

A neurotransmitter. Acetylcholine in vertebrates is the major transmitter at neuromuscular junctions, autonomic ganglia, parasympathetic effector junctions, a subset of sympathetic effector junctions, and at many sites in the central nervous system. It is generally not used as an administered drug because it is broken down very rapidly by cholinesterases, but it is useful in some ophthalmological applications.

Therapeutic Uses

  • vasodilator
  • cardiovascular agent

'Drug Type: Small Molecule; Experimental

KEGG Pathway(C01996)

  • Glycerophospholipid metabolism
  • Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction
  • Regulation of actin cytoskeleton

|40549 |2HA4 |Bourne Y, Radic Z, Sulzenbacher G, Kim E, Taylor P, Marchot PSubstrate and product trafficking through the active center gorge of acetylcholinesterase analyzed by crystallography and equilibrium bindingJ. Biol. Chem. v281, p.29256-29267 |- |43955 |2J0H |Garlatti V, Belloy N, Martin L, Lacroix M, Matsushita M, Endo Y, Fujita T, Fontecilla-Camps JC, Arlaud GJ, Thielens NM, Gaboriaud CStructural insights into the innate immune recognition specificities of L- and H-ficolinsEMBO J. v26, p.623-633 |- |66998 |2RIN |Oswald C, Smits SH, Hoing M, Sohn-Bosser L, Dupont L, Le Rudulier D, Schmitt L, Bremer ECrystal structures of the choline/acetylcholine substrate binding protein ChoX from Sinorhizobium meliloti in the liganded and unliganded closed statesJ. Biol. Chem. v, p. |- |}

Organism Test Type Route Reported Dose (Normalized Dose) Effect Source
mouse LD50 intraperitoneal 170mg/kg (170mg/kg) Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie. Vol. 192, Pg. 88, 1971.
mouse LD50 intravenous 11mg/kg (11mg/kg) Archiv fuer Toxikologie. Vol. 29, Pg. 39, 1972.
rabbit LD50 intravenous 300ug/kg (0.3mg/kg) "Drug Dosages in Laboratory Animals - A Handbook," Rev. ed., Barnes, C.D., and L.G. Eltherington, Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, 1973Vol. -, Pg. 39, 1973.
rat LD50 intraperitoneal 250mg/kg (250mg/kg) BEHAVIORAL: CONVULSIONS OR EFFECT ON SEIZURE THRESHOLD Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. Vol. 80, Pg. 171, 1944.
rat LD50 subcutaneous 250mg/kg (250mg/kg) "Drug Dosages in Laboratory Animals - A Handbook," Rev. ed., Barnes, C.D., and L.G. Eltherington, Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, 1973Vol. -, Pg. 29, 1973.