PolysacDB O-polysaccharide 1237

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[edit] Carbohydrate Name


[edit] Carbohydrate Class

O-polysaccharide [LPS]

[edit] Source Microbe

Brucella melitensis

[edit] Basic Structure

O-polysaccharide consists of an unbranched linear homopolymer of 10 to 100 α-1,2-linked 4-formamido-4,6-dideoxy-D-mannose (N formylperosamine) residues. The O-polysaccharide is covalently linked to a core oligosaccharide

[edit] Proposed functions


[edit] Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodies

Whole B. melitensis Cells

[edit] Carrier Name


[edit] Conjugation Method


[edit] Antibodies

Mab 16C10

[edit] Antibody type and class


[edit] Assay System


[edit] Cross-reactivity

This antibody did not cross-react with S-LPSs of S. urbana, Vibrio cholerae and E. coli O:157, but cross-reacted with S-LPS of Y. enterocolitica O:9 along with Brucella A and M dominant strains. Reactivity was more towards M dominant strains

[edit] Proposed epitopes

This Mab was directed against the C/Y epitope which basically consists of 4 α1,2-linked D-Rha4NFo residues

[edit] Proposed Utility

This Mab helped in the epitope strucure elucidation

[edit] Weblink

PubMed Central

[edit] External Links