PolysacDB Lipopolysaccharide 1069
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[edit] Carbohydrate Name
[edit] Carbohydrate Class
[edit] Source Microbe
Escherichia coli C600
[edit] Basic Structure
[edit] Proposed functions
[edit] Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodies
whole formalinized E. coli C600 cells
[edit] Carrier Name
[edit] Conjugation Method
[edit] Antibodies
Mab 786
[edit] Antibody type and class
[edit] Assay System
ELISA and immunoblotting
[edit] Cross-reactivity
This antibody cross-reacted with LPS core types K-12, R4, and R2 but did not cross-react with Rl LPS and R3 LPS,
[edit] Proposed epitopes
The epitope was proposed to consist of trisaccharide sequence Hexp(1->2)-α-D -Glcp(1->3)α-D-Glcp->(Hepp) at the inner region of the outer core, in which the heptose-distal glucose is immunodominant
[edit] Proposed Utility
This Mab may be used for the detection of LPS core structures but also for analysis of the molecular forms resolved on polyacrylamide gels (banding patterns)
[edit] Weblink
[http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=PMC261975 &tool=pmcentrez&rendertype=abstract PubMed Central]