Shigeila sonnei

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Shigeila sonnei

It is a species of Shigella. Shigella sonnei is named for the Danish bacteriologist Carl Olaf Sonne.

Scientific classification
Kingdom Bacteria
Phylum Proteobacteria
Class Gamma Proteobacteria
Order Enterobacteriales
Family Enterobacteriaceae
Genus Shigella
Species S. sonnei
Binomial Shigeila sonnei

[edit] Surface Characteristics

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) molecules consist of three structural regions: a lipid A region, which anchors the molecule in the bacterial outer membrane; an intermediate core region; and a distal, serotype-specific O-polysaccharide chain (O chain or O-antigen). Whereas the chemical composition and structure of 0 chains are highly variable, the core moiety is more conserved. Seven types of LPS core structures, namely, Ra, Ri to R4, K-12, and B, have been found in members of the family Enterobacteriaceae

[edit] Pathogenic Activity

Together with Shigella flexneri, it is responsible for 90% of shigellosis. It also polymerizes host cell actin.

[edit] References
