PolysacDB Lipopolysaccharide 1162
From DrugPedia: A Wikipedia for Drug discovery
[edit] Carbohydrate Name
[edit] Carbohydrate Class
[edit] Source Microbe
Bacteroides fragilis
[edit] Basic Structure
The polysaccharide part of the LPS mainly consists of two fractions : PSI : β-D-Galp(1-->6)β-D-Galp(1-->6)β-D-Galp(1-->6)Residue1-α-D-Glcp [branched to Residue no. 2](1-->2)α-L-Rhap and PSII : β-D-Galp(1-->4)α-D-Glcp [Branched to β-D-Galp(1-->6)](1-->2)α-L-Rhap
[edit] Proposed functions
LPS polysaccharide of B. gingivalis may represent a virulence factor
[edit] Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodies
Outer membrane extract of B. fragilis 23475
[edit] Carrier Name
[edit] Conjugation Method
[edit] Antibodies
Mab BF7
[edit] Antibody type and class
[edit] Assay System
Enzyme Immunoassay, Inhibition assay, Immunoblotting
[edit] Cross-reactivity
This antibody cross-reacted with 68 strains of B. fragilis, 6 strains of B.thetaiotaomicron, 2 strains of B. ovatus
[edit] Proposed epitopes
[edit] Proposed Utility
Using this Mab LPS can be easily detected in bacterial antigen preparations and clinical samples.
[edit] Weblink
271367&tool=pmcentrez&rendertype=abstract PubMed Central