PolysacDB Core oligosaccharide 2292

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[edit] Carbohydrate Name

Core oligosaccharide

[edit] Carbohydrate Class

Core oligosaccharide [LPS]

[edit] Source Microbe

Shigeila sonnei serotype D

[edit] Basic Structure

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) molecules consist of three structural regions: a lipid A region, which anchors the molecule in the bacterial outer membrane; an intermediate core region; and a distal, serotype-specific O-polysaccharide chain (O chain or O-antigen). Whereas the chemical composition and structure of 0 chains are highly variable, the core moiety is more conserved. Seven types of LPS core structures, namely, Ra, Ri to R4, K-12, and B, have been found in members of the family Enterobacteriaceae

[edit] Proposed functions


[edit] Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodies

Heat killed cells

[edit] Carrier Name


[edit] Conjugation Method


[edit] Antibodies

Mab Sh9R

[edit] Antibody type and class


[edit] Assay System

ELISA and immunoblotting

[edit] Cross-reactivity

only strains reported to have LPS molecules with an R1-type core structure were recognized, namely, S. sonnei, S. boydii type 3, S. flexneri type 6, a control E. coli R1 strain (HF4704), and an E. coli 09 isolate

[edit] Proposed epitopes

Terminal hexose residues may form an important part of the epitope

[edit] Proposed Utility

This Mab has been used to analyze clinical isolates and a hybrid Salmonella typhi strain for their expression of the corresponding LPS moieties. In addition to their use in the screening of candidate vaccine strains, the new MAb provide a powerful tool for epidemiological and phylogenetic studies of natural enterobacterial populations

[edit] Weblink

PubMed Central

[edit] External Links