Hill Gynura
From DrugPedia: A Wikipedia for Drug discovery
Common name: Hill Gynura • Manipuri: তেরাপাঈবী Terapaibi • Marathi: कुसुंबी Kusimbi
Botanical name: Gynura cusimbua
Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower family) Synonyms: Gynura angulosa, Cacalia cusimbua
Hill Gynura is a tall succulent herb, growing to 1-2 m tall. Angular stems are 1 cm thick, branched at the top. Alternately arranged leaves are 10-20 cm long. Upper leaves are stalkless, oblong and toothed. Lower leaves are bigger and lance-like. Numerous yellow flower-heads occur in in corymsb, carried on slender peduncles. There are a few bracts below the flower-heads. Flowers are 1.5-2 cm across. This herb is commonly found in roadsides, fields and grassy slopes in Imphal and other places of Manipur. Flowering: August-November.
Medicinal uses: The juice of stem and leaves are applied to fresh wounds for stopping bleeding and fast healing in traditional medicines. The leaf paste is also applied to forehead to relive headache and used as sedative drug by the local people