Hill Glory Bower
From DrugPedia: A Wikipedia for Drug discovery
Common name: Hill Glory Bower • Hindi: Titabhamt, भांट Bhant • Manipuri: Kuthap manbi • Marathi: भंडीरा Bhandira • Tamil: Perukilai • Malayalam: Peruku • Telugu: Gurrapu katilyaku • Kannada: Ibbane, Basavana pada • Bengali: Bhant • Sanskrit: Bhandirah
Botanical name: Clerodendrum viscosum
Family: Verbenaceae (Verbena family)
Hill glory bower is a gregarious shrub, 1-2 m high. The quadrangular branches are covered with sily yellwish hair. Oppositely arranged leaves are oval, 10-20 cm long, hairy. The base of the leaf is heart-shaped. White flowers, tinged with pink, occur in large panicles. The five white petals are tinged pink at the base. Four long stamens, 3 cm, protrude out of the flower. Flowering: March-April.
Medicinal uses: Extract of the leaves is given orally in fever and bowel troubles in the Kuki and Rongmei tribes in the North-East India. Fresh leaf-juice is introduced in the rectum for removal of ascarids. Leaves and flowers are used to cure scorpion sting.