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Difficulty: Moderately Easy
Things You'll Need
Soap Hydrogen peroxide Antibiotic cream Baking soda Ice pack Vinegar Clay Aloe vera Cucumber Slices Lemon juice Aspirin
Advocate Edits
1 Wash the ant bite along with soap and water, also rinse it with hydrogen peroxide a couple of times throughout the day (every 4 to 6 hours) before using all other remedies. Cleaning the ant bite removes most about the sting plus prevents infection.
3 Calm the itching of the ant bite with using a paste made from baking soda also drinking water. You can also use vinegar, aloe vera extract, a slice of cucumber, or generate a paste with clay and water to ease the itching.
4 Reduce dilation by way of mixing crushed aspirin and water collectively plus placing it on the bite. Any ice pack, vinegar or lemon juice in addition help reduce swelling quickly.
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