Common Leucas

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Common name: Crape myrtle, Saoni सावनी (Hindi), Dhayti (Marathi), Chinagoranta (Telugu) Pavalakkurinji (Tamil)

Botanical name: Lagerstroemia indica

Family: Lythraceae (Crape Myrtle family)

Crape myrtle is the smaller version of Lagerstroemia speciosa, commonly known as Pride of India or Queen crape myrtle. The deciduous crape myrtle is among the longest blooming trees in existence with flowering periods lasting from 60-120 days. Crapes come in heights as short as 18 in (46 cm) and as tall as 40 ft (12 m) Leaves are alternate and smooth, but leaf size depends on variety. Flowers are borne in summer in big showy clusters and come in white and many shades of pink, purple, lavender and red.

Medicinal uses: Seeds are narcotic. In Manipur, flowers and leaves are used as purgatives. Bark is stimulant and febrifuge (fever removing) Roots are astringent and used as gargle.

[edit] See Also

Medicinal plants of India