CarboDB De-O-acetylated Glucurunoxylomannan 2638

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[edit] Carbohydrate Name

De-O-acetylated Glucurunoxylomannan

[edit] Carbohydrate Class


[edit] Source Microbe

Cryptococcus neoformans serotype A

[edit] Basic Structure

A linear α(1-->3)- linked mannan backbone singly substituted with non-reducing β(1-->2) xylose and β(1-->2) glucuronic acid side branches ; O-acetyl groups are present at C-6 of the mannosyl residues

[edit] Proposed functions

Antiphagocytic ; an important virulence factor

[edit] Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodies


[edit] Carrier Name

Sheep erythrocytes

[edit] Conjugation Method

The capsular polysaccharide was adsorbed with 0.1 ml of packed sheep erythrocytes for 2 hours at room temperature

[edit] Antibodies

Mab F12D2

[edit] Antibody type and class


[edit] Assay System


[edit] Cross-reactivity

This antibody cross-reacted with Serotypes A, B, C and D

[edit] Proposed epitopes

Studies on this antibody showed that there are 2 types of epitopes on GXM-O-acetyl dependent and O-acetyl independent. MAb F12D2 also fails to react with xylose deficient GXM shopwing that xylose residues form an important part of the epitope

[edit] Proposed Utility

This antibody was used in the elucidation of the probable epitopes present in glucurunoxylomannan. This antibody showed that the induction of a MAb that is reactive with all serotypes does not inherently require the presence of an O-acetyl group on the immunizing GXM

[edit] Weblink


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