Adipokinetic hormone 2

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[edit] Description

Adipokinetic prohormone type 2 precursor [Contains: Adipokinetichormone 2 (Adipokinetic hormone II) (AKH-II); Adipokinetic hormoneprecursor-related peptide beta chain (APRP-beta) (6 kDa dimericpeptide B)].

[edit] Source Organism

Locusta migratoria (Migratory locust).

[edit] Taxomomy

Eukaryota; Metazoa; Arthropoda; Hexapoda; Insecta; Pterygota;Neoptera; Orthopteroidea; Orthoptera; Caelifera; Acridomorpha;Acridoidea; Acrididae; Oedipodinae; Locusta.

[edit] Subcellular Localization

Secreted protein.

[edit] Developmental Stage

[edit] Similarity

Belongs to the AKH/HRTH/RPCH family.

[edit] Post translational Modification

[edit] Function

This hormone, released from cells in the corpora cardiaca after the beginning of flight, causes release of diglycerides from the fat body and then stimulates the flight muscles to use these diglycerides as an energy source

[edit] GeneID