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When installed inside your heating and cooling system air duct, UV air purifiers hinder the growth regarding micro-organisms such as mold that can grow on duct surfaces. UV lights operate an intense light with germicidal properties to sterilize the air inside your ducts. Once installed, there appears to be little maintenance. Cleaning the bulbs is the only regular maintenance job you should need to perform on your UV air purifier.
Difficulty: Effortless
Things You'll Need
Smooth materials Glass cleaner
1 Disconnect the power on your heating and cooling system. Either turn away the emergency switch located on the furnace or switch the fuse to "Off" on your home's electrical box.
2 Unplug the UV system and permit it to cool down with on least 15 mins.
3 Change the lamp command counterclockwise and pull the deal with to remove the bulb.
4 Maintain the lamp grip in some hands. Spray a delicate cloth by way of glass cleaner until damp. Wipe the lamp glass by means of the soft cloth. If you touch any one part about the glass with your bare turn, wipe it off to avert leaving oils on the glass.
5 Wipe away dirt between the lamp light indicator also the black bulb base.
6 Dry the bulb with a new waterless, clean cloth.
8 Turn the lamp handle clockwise until it entirely snaps to place. Align the lamp light indicator with the unit cover's raised button.
9 Turn the power to your UV system back on.
1 web site
Turn your heating and cooling method back on.
Suggestions & Warnings
Clear the bulb in your air-duct installed UV system 4 times a year or every 3 months. Replace the bulb once a year with the most effective results.
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Honeywell: UV1 website websiteA Ultraviolet System Owner's Guide CaluTech: Ultraviolet Germicidal Air Purifier Honeywell: UV Therapy Systems
uv mild. image by Harvey Hudson out of Fotolia.com