Molecular Visualization Tools

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Molecular visualization programs are available on many platforms. They allow users to visualize and manipulate molecular structures.

[edit] Free molecular visualization tools

Molecular Visualization Tools
Name Description Platform Link
BioEditor A tool for creating and viewing dynamic, formatted structure annotations Windows Download
canDo Shockwave 3D PDB Viewer Free, easy to use tool for viewing molecular structures through a Web page--streams data directly from PDB Mac (PPC or OS X), Windows
Chemscape Chime From MDL Information Systems. This program allows visualisation of structures Windows, Macintosh (with Netscape 4.x only), and (as version 0.9z) SGI/Irix Download
Chimera Interactive molecular modeling system, free to academic/non-profit; displays multiple sequence alignments and associated structures, atom-type and H-bond identification, molecular dynamics trajectories (AMBER format), and offers ligand-screening interface (DOCK), filter by number/position of H-bonds, and extensibility to create custom modules Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, IRIX, and Tru64 Unix Home
Cn3D Simultaneously displays structure, sequence, and alignment, with annotation and alignment editing features, for use with 3-D structures from NCBI's Entrez Windows, Macintosh, and Unix Download
iMol Open GL graphics program displays small, large, and multiple molecules; measures distances and angles, superimposes structures, calculates RMSD between atom coordinates, structurally aligns chains, and displays dynamics trajectories. For Mac OS X incl. 10.2 Home
Java3D Molecular Visualisastion System Free Java/Java3D program and source code Windows or Unix Download
Jmol Jmol is a free, open source molecule viewer for students, educators, and researchers in chemistry and biochemistry Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux/Unix systemsHome
Mage and Kinemages Interactive molecular display for research and educational uses Windows and Mac (OSX or PPC), Unix, and Linux Home
MOLMOL A program for displaying, analyzing, and manipulating the 3-D structure of biological macromolecules, with special emphasis on the study of protein or DNA structures determined by NMR Mac OSX, Windows, Unix, Linux Documentation
MolScript A program for displaying structures in both detailed and schematic formats and writing images in various formats Unix Home
MolView and MolView Lite Free molecular visualization programs Mac Download
PDB2MGIF Free, user-friendly server that converts PDB files to animated gif files that can be used in Web pages and presentations. Mac OSX, Windows, Unix, Linux Documentation
PocketMol Program to view and manipulate PDB files PocketPC or handheld device running Windows CE 3.0 or higher Download
ProteinScope Free viewer to display and manipulate PDB files and create animations and slides of proteins Windows Home
PyMOL A free and open-source molecular graphics system for visualization, animation, editing, and publication-quality imagery. PyMOL is scriptable and can be extended using the Python language. Windows, Mac OSX, Unix, and Linux Home
QmolA lightweight OpenGL based molecular viewer WindowsHome
RasMol A free viewing system for PDB coordinate files Mac PPC, Windows, Unix, and Linux systems Download
Raster3D A set of tools for generating high quality raster images of proteins or other molecules Mac OSX, Windows, Unix, and Linux Download
RasTop (v. 2.0) A free user-friendly graphical interface to RasMol molecular visualization software (v. and Linux Download
Ribbons A program for molecular illustration and error analysis Mac OSX, Windows, Unix, and Linux Download
RmscopII A Tcl/Tk script responsible to redirect PDB files or RasMol scripts to multiple RasMol sessions; can be used as a Web browser helper application or as a standalone programMac (OSX or PPC), Windows, or Unix Download
Swiss PDB viewer A 3D graphics and molecular modeling program for the simultaneous analysis of multiple models and for model-building into electron density maps Mac (OSX or PPC), Windows, Linux, or SGI Download
Uppsala Electron Density Server Generated density maps Windows Server
VMD (Visual Molecular Dynamics) VMD provides visualization, analysis, and Tcl/Python scripting features, and has recently added sequence browsing and volumetric rendering features MacOS X, and several versions of Unix and Windows Download
WebMol A Java PDB Viewer. WebMol was designed to display and analyze structural information contained in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). It can be run as an applet or as a stand-alone application Mac OSX, Windows, Unix, and Linux Download
WebLab(TM) Viewer software tool for visualizing molecules and communicating molecular information to colleagues Windows and Mac Documentation
DisMol applet java based visualisation tool Windows Download
OpenAstexViewer a Java molecular graphics program that assists in structure based drug design Windows Web Page