Immunotation of Rv3874

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Immunotation of Rv3874
M. tuberculosis-specific antigen 10
Swiss Prot P0A566
Genbank 886194
PDB  ?
Chemical data
Formula [1]
Mol. wt. 10794 Da
Pharmacokinetic data
Bioavailability  ?
Solubility  ?
Isoelectric-Point  ?



In a search for new skin test reagents specific for tuberculosis, it has been found that the antigen encoded by gene Rv3874 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis elicited delayed-type hypersensitivity in M. tuberculosis-infected guinea pigs but not in control animals immunized with Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) or Mycobacterium avium. The antigen, which was named MTSA-10 (for M. tuberculosis-specific antigen 10), is a prime candidate for a component of a new tuberculin that will allow discrimination by a skin test of latent M. tuberculosis infection from vaccination with BCG or from sensitization with environmental, nontuberculous mycobacteria.

Protein Sequence


Human Homologue Blast Result

no significant similarity found

Alergen Protein

Link to Algpred
Allergen Predicted by AlgPred Server

Bacterial Toxin Prediction

Link to btxpred
one Hit Fountd by btxpred server. "PSI-BLAST Result of exotoxin functions --- Neurotoxin"as predicted by btxpred server.

Subcellular Location

Link to TBpred


No Hit Found in AntigenDB
No. Hit Found in IEDB

B cell Epitopes

BCEpred Analysis

Link to Bcepred
Result Predicited by []

ABCpred Analysis

Link to ABCpred
Result Predicited by []

IEDB Analysis

Link to IEDB
Result Predicited by []

MHC Class-I Binder

nHLAPred Analysis

Link to nHLApred
Result Predicited by []

IEDB Analysis

Link to IEDB
Result Predicted by []

MHC Class-II Binder

Propred Analysis

Link to Propred
Result Predicted by []

NetMHC-II Analysis

Link to NetMHC-II
Result Predicted by []

External Links

  • Database of Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome sequences and related information.