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The Chemistry Development Kit is an open source Java library for Chemoinformatics and Bioinformatics. It is available for Windows, Unix, and Mac OS. It is distributed under the GNU LGPL.



The CDK was created in 2000 by Christoph Steinbeck, Egon Willighagen and Dan Gezelter, the developers of Jmol and JChemPaint, to provide a common code base.

Major features



  • protein active site detection
  • cognate ligand detection Template:DOI



  • Steinbeck, C.; Han, Y. Q.; Kuhn, S.; Horlacher, O.; Luttmann, E.; Willighagen, E.L. The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK): An open-source Java library for chemo- and bioinformatics. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 2003, 43, 493-500. Template:DOI Template:Entrez Pubmed
  • Steinbeck, C.; Hoppe, C.; Kuhn, S.; Floris, M.; Guha, R.; Willighagen, E.L. Recent developments of the chemistry development kit (CDK) - an open-source java library for chemo- and bioinformatics.. Current pharmaceutical design 2006, 12, 2111-20. Template:DOI Template:Entrez Pubmed

See also


External links