Pigment-dispersing hormone A

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[edit] Description

Pigment-dispersing hormone A precursor [Contains: PDH precursor-related peptide (PRPP); Pigment-dispersing hormone A (PDH A) (Light-adapting distal retinal pigment hormone A) (DRPH A)].

[edit] Source Organism

Orconectes limosus (Spinycheek crayfish).

[edit] Taxomomy

Eukaryota; Metazoa; Arthropoda; Crustacea; Malacostraca;Eumalacostraca; Eucarida; Decapoda; Pleocyemata; Astacidea;Astacoidea; Cambaridae; Orconectes; Faxonius.

[edit] Subcellular Localization

Secreted protein.

[edit] Developmental Stage

[edit] Similarity

Belongs to the arthropod PDH family.

[edit] Post translational Modification

[edit] Function

Causes the migration of the distal retinal pigment into the proximal end of the pigment chromatophore cells and thus decreases the amount of light entering the retinulas. May also function as a neurotransmitter and/or neuromodulator

[edit] GeneID