Standalone Software

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   Name of Software</td>                         Description</td>   Category</td></tr>
<a href="" target=new>LPC</a></td>Analysis of interatomic Contacts in Ligand-Protein complexes.</td>Analysis Ligand-Protein interaction</td></tr>
<a href="" target=new>CSU</a></td>Analysis of interatomic contacts in protein entries.</td>Analysis of interatomic contacts in protein.</td></tr>
<a href="" target=new>PROMOTIF</a></td>PROMOTIF provides details of the location and types of structural motifs in proteins of known structure by analysis of Brookhaven format coordinate files.</td>Analyses protein structural motifs</td></tr>
<a href="" target=new>fpocket</a></td>fpocket is a very fast open source protein pocket (cavity) detection algorithm based on Voronoi tessellation. </td>Protein pocket (cavity) detection</td></tr>
<a href="" target=new>Procheck</a></td>PROCHECK checks the stereochemical quality of a protein structure, producing a number of PostScript plots analysing its overall and residue-by-residue geometry.</td>Stereochemical analysis</td></tr>
<a href="" target=new>DSSP</a></td>The DSSP is software to standardize secondary structure assignment.</td>Protein secondary structure</td></tr>
<a href="" target=new>Psipred</a></td>Psipred is a protein structure prediction software.</td>Protein secondary structure</td></tr>
<a href="" target=new>Naccess</a></td>Naccess is a stand alone program that calculates the accessible area of a molecule from a PDB (Protein Data Bank) format file. It can calculate the atomic and residue accessiblities for both proteins and nucleic acids.</td>Solvent Accessible Area Calculations</td></tr>
