From DrugPedia: A Wikipedia for Drug discovery
AminoFAT: Functional Annotation of Amino Acids
This page maintain software or databases important for predicting functional properties of amino acids in a protein.
Important Software
DSSP: For assigning secondary structure of proteins from PDB
pdb-tools: A set of tools for manipulating and doing calculations on wwPDB macromolecule structure files
HBPLUS: is a hydrogen bond calculation program
NACCESS: A program for calculating accessible area
PDBsum: Summary of protein
LPC: Ligan protein contact prediction (Installed)
SuperSite: dictionary of metabolite and drug binding sites in proteins
PDBcat: Simple program to read columns (Installed)
SMSD: Small Molecule Subgraph Detector
JOElib: open source computational chemistry package written in Java
TMACC: Topological Maximum Cross Correlation descriptors
PerlMol: Perl Modules for Molecular Chemistry
ParsePDB: A Perl Parser for PDB Files
MOPAC: Molecular Orbital PACkage
PDBselect creating non-redundant datasets
Questions we wish to address on PDB file
Assigning secondary structure in a PDB file using dssp
Assigning turns in PDB
PDB have highest/lowest composition of a particular residue type
PDB files having highest/lowest types of residues (charged, polar, hydrophobicity) RNA interacting residues
DNA interacting residues
Protein/peptides interacting residues
Protein-small molecules interaction
Protein-carbohydrate interacting residues
Post translation modification
Disordered regions in a protein
Create dataset from PDB_IDs (Sequence, Structure)
Create non-redundant dataset from CD-HIT , BlastCluster
More about your PDBid (Like link to PDB, PDBwiki, Topsan, protopedia)
Extract PDBids from PDB which satisfy particular criteria (R < 2.5, X-ray, ATP binder, GTP binder)
Filter PDBids supplied by user which satisfy particular condition
Database of D-amino acids