Arrowleaf Dock
From DrugPedia: A Wikipedia for Drug discovery
Common name: Arrowleaf Dock, Yellow Sock, Curled sock • Hindi: चुर्की Churki, चुर्का churka• Urdu: Khatti Buti Botanical name: Rumex hastatus
Family: Polygonaceae (Knotweed family)
Arrowleaf Dock is a fairly common small shrub, growing on dry slopes, rocks and walls between 700-2500 m, typically in north-Indian hill stations. It is a bushy shrub with many ascending stems. Stems woody at base, leaves narrow and arrow shaped with a pair of narrow spreading basal lobe. Leaves vary a lot in length and breadth. The stems have numerous thin branches with terminal very slender clusters of distant whorls of tiny greenish pink or pinkish green flowers. Flowers very small, flower stalk lengthening in fruit. Leaves broadly triangular, stalked, fruit pinkish. Flowering: June-October.
Medicinal uses: The leaf extract of plant are applied on wounds and cuts to check bleeding. Plant is also believed to relieve from suffering of nettle sting. Root is laxative alternative, tonic, and anti rheumatic and can be used in skin disease.