CarboDB 2385

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Revision as of 06:13, 8 April 2010 by Raghavagps (Talk | contribs)
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[edit] Carbohydrate Name

Surface Polysaccharide Poly-N-Acetylglucosamine [PNAG]

[edit] Carbohydrate Class


[edit] Source Microbe

Staphylococcus aureus

[edit] Basic Structure

PNAG consists of a backbone of N-acetylglucosamine residues of variable lendth

[edit] Proposed functions

PNAG also referred to as the polysaccharide intercellular adhesin, has been shown to elicit opsonic antibodies when used as a vaccine in goats and rabbits. In addition, these polyclonal antibodies passively protect mice against S. aureus bacteremia and renal infection as well as against lethality following a high-dose infection. Animal antibodies to PNAG also mediate killing of S. epidermidis strains that express this antigen, and these strains constitute a significant proportion of clinical isolates

[edit] Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodies

Staphylococcus aureus infected patients

[edit] Carrier Name


[edit] Conjugation Method


[edit] Antibodies

Mab F630

[edit] Antibody type and class


[edit] Assay System

enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, complement deposition, immunofluorescence and opsonophagocytic assays

[edit] Cross-reactivity

This Mab was specfic to S. aureus and was found to be nonreactive against alginate from Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAO 581, the P. aeruginosa LPS O antigens from serogroups 02 and 06, and the PS/A antigen of Bacteroides fragilis

[edit] Proposed epitopes

This Mab bound best to PNAG containing N-acetyl groups

[edit] Proposed Utility

This Mab had partial complement deposition and opsonophagocytic activity.

[edit] Weblink


[edit] External Links