Scholarships/Fellowships provided by CSIR

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To commemorate the birth centenary year (2000) of Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, who was the first Vice-President of CSIR in the Independent India, the CSIR has instituted a special fellowship, namely, "DR. SHYAMA PRASAD MUKHERJEE (SPM) FELLOWSHIP" open to the selective CSIR-UGC JRF (NET) awardees.


To nurture the budding scientific talent and to nourish the objective of pursuit of scientific research.


Pursuing Ph.D programme with a special fellowship in CSIR Labs/other specialized R&D institutions/universities.

Nature of Fellowship

Stipend : Rs.15000/- + HRA per month during the first two years of the fellowship and a Contingency grant of Rs.70000/- p.a. May be raised to Rs.18000/- + HRA per month from third year onwards on the basis of review/satisfactory progress. May be reverted to JRF (NET) if performance is not found satisfactory.

Duration: Initially for 2 years. Extendable as per normal rules for CSIR JRF (NET) Programmes; maximum up to 5 years.


Around top 50 candidates in Life Sciences and Chemical Sciences and top 25 each in Physical Sciences, Mathematical Sciences & Earth Sciences (including candidates from reserved categories as per norms of NET) from each of the two NET examinations conducted in a calendar year and GATE qualified candidates in the subject areas of NET with percentile score of 99% and above shall be called for interview

Frequency of Selection

Once a year, normally in the month of July


A certain number of JRFs are awarded each year by CSIR to those holding MSc or equivalent degree, with minimum 55% marks after qualifying the National Eligibility Test ( NET) conducted by CSIR twice in a year


Applications for JRF are invited twice a year through press advertisement on all India basis in the prescribed application form. The completed application form may be submitted to the Controller of Examinations, Examination Unit, CSIR Complex, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi –110 012.


The upper age limit for JRF shall be 28 years, which is relaxed upto 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to Schedule Castes/Schedule Tribes, Women, Physically Handicapped and OBC applicants.


The Selection for award of JRF shall be made on the basis of a competitive written test called the National Eligibility Test (NET), conducted by CSIR at national level and consisting of two papers. Paper – 1 is objective type consisting of Part (A) general nature and part (B) is subject type. It tests the mental ability and broad awareness of scientific knowledge at the rudimentary level. The second paper is to be selected from the amongst (1) Chemical Sciences (2) Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Planetary Sciences (3) Life Sciences, (4) Mathematical Sciences and (5) Physical Sciences. The second paper requires short descriptive answers to questions. Usually examinations are held for a day on the third Sunday in June and December, each year.

The candidates who qualify in the test are informed individually after the result is finalized. The Fellowship is awarded on receipt of necessary details of the qualifying degree examination, place of work, research topic, the name of supervisor and the concurrence of the Institution to provide all the necessary facilities. The validity of the offer of this award will be one year. The candidate is expected to register for PhD degree within a period of one year from the date of joining.


A certain number of SRFs will be awarded each year by CSIR directly to those possessing the following qualification and experience :

MSc, BE, BTech with minimum 60% marks and at least two years of post MSc, BE, BTech, research experience as evidence from fellowship/ associateship or traineeship and published papers in standard refereed journals


ME, M.Tech or equivalent degree in Engineering/Technology with minimum 60% marks


MBBS or BDS (with 1 year if internship) with first division


BPharm/BVSc/BSc (Ag) or equivalent degree with minimum 60% marks and at least three years of research experience.

Research workers who have had requisite training in methods of research alongwith above qualification and who have proved their aptitude for original research are eligible for this Fellowship.


The upper age limit for SRF shall be 32 years. The upper age limit is relaxable upto 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to scheduled castes/tribes, women, physically handicapped and OBC applicants.


Applications for SRF are normally invited every year on all India basis through press advertisement. The prescribed application form is printed along with the advertisement in the Employment News every year. Application proforma duly completed and forwarded through the proposed Supervisor and Head of the Department/Institutions should be submitted within the prescribed date alongwith a Demand Draft for the amount indicated in the advertisement to the Deputy Secretary, EMR Division, HRD Group, CSIR Complex, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi - 110 012.


Selection will be made through the procedure of assessment of academic record and published/project work by discipline-wise high-level expert Committees. Second class rail fare will be admissible to those applicants who are called for interview.

Merely fulfilling of eligibility criteria will not entitle a candidate for being called for interview. Candidates will be called for interview after screening on the basis of criteria adopted by CSIR depending on the number if fellowships available. CSIR reserves the right to call or not to call a candidate for interview.

The validity of the award letter shall be six months from the date mentioned in the award letter. No extension beyond six months will be considered. Decision of CSIR in matters of selection for interview or for award of Fellowships etc. shall be final.


The tenure of SRF will initially be 2 years. Extension of tenure for the 3rd year will be issued by EMR Division of HRDG after receiving the recommendation of three member Expert Committee consisting of Guide, Head of Department and external Professor in the relevant field duly supported by detailed progress report and publications in the form of reprints/preprints/manuscripts or paper communicated for publication (Annexure V). The total tenure as JRF & SRF will not exceed 5 years. The tenure of SRF in Engineering & Medical Sciences is four years. Extension for 3rd & 4th years will be issued by EMR Division according to the procedure outlined above. Computation is made of the total period of tenure ship of Research Fellow/ Associate if he/she has availed any other fellowship of equivalent status from any agency/institute. A Research Fellow/Associate who joins on the first day of the month, his/her tenure ship will be completed on the last day of the previous month. In other cases the tenure ship will be completed on the last day of the same month.


A certain number of RA-ships may be awarded each year directly by CSIR to young research workers who have shown promise in original research and propose to pursue research work in science, engineering, medicine or technology on specific projects. The Associate will do full time research work on problems stated in his/her application and approved by CSIR.


Under this scheme, persons possessing Doctorate (PhD/MD/MS/MDS) or equivalent degree or having 3 years of research, teaching and design and development experience after MVSc/MPharm/ME/MTech will be eligible for award as RA.


The upper age limit for award of RA shall be 35 years. The upper age limit is relaxable upto 5 years in the case of applicants belonging to scheduled castes/tribes, women, physically handicapped and OBC candidates.


Application for RAship are invited every a year on all India basis through press advertisement. The prescribed application form will be printed alongwith the advertisement in the Employment News. The completed application proforma must be submitted to the Deputy Secretary, EMR Division, CSIR Complex, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi - 110 012, within the prescribed date.


The selection would be through assessment of academic achievements of candidates and interviews of those screened by high level discipline wise Selection Committees constituted for the purpose. Second class rail fare is admissible to those applicants who are called for interview. The validity of the offer of award shall be six months from the date mentioned in the award letter.

The RA-ships are tenable in Indian Universities/IITs/Colleges/Government Research Establishments and those of recognized public or private sector industrial firms other Institutions approved by CSIR.


Associateship will be tenable initially for a period of one year. It may be extended further at the discretion of CSIR. In such a case the progress of RA would be assessed each year by high level discipline wise Assessment Committee consisting of one external member not below the rank of Professor, Supervisor of the candidate and Head of the department. If the supervisor happens to be the Head of the department, another professor of the same Department may be associated with the Committee. External member should be preferably chairman of the three members Committee. However the order for extension or otherwise will be issued by the EMR Division after having considered the high level discipline wise Committee/s report, together with the detailed progress report duly supported by the reprints/ preprints/manuscript of the papers published, accepted or communicated. The total tenure of RA is planned to be of maximum 3 years including the tenure of associateship awarded by UGC/DST/ICMAR/ICAR etc.


(Scientists’ Pool Scheme)


1. The Senior Research Associateship (SRA ship) is primarily meant to provide temporary placement to highly qualified Indian scientists, engineers, technologists, and medical personnel returning from foreign countries, who are not holding any employment in India. Persons, who have not been abroad and possess outstanding academic record and have not been able to secure regular employment, are also eligible for selection. Persons with high qualifications in Social Sciences or Humanities, with experience in a subject area relevant to science and technology, are also considered for selection, but their number at any time is limited to forty. Bonafide Indian citizens only are eligible to apply.

2. The Senior Research Associateship is not a regular appointment, but is a temporary facility to enable the Associate to do research/teaching in India while looking for a regular position. The Associateship is for a period of three years only. There is no provision for extension beyond three years.

Age Limit

The maximum age limit for appointment or reappointment for Senior Research Associateship shall be forty years (40) as on the date of receipt of the application in the CSIR.

Minimum Qualifications

The minimum qualifications, experience and publications required for consideration for selection to Senior Research Associate (SRA) position are:

For subject areas : Agricultural Sciences/Chemical Science/Earth, Atmospheric, Oceans & Plantery Sciences

/ Life Sciences/ Materials Science/ Mathematics, Statistics, Operations Research and Computer Science/ Physical Sciences

Qualification : PhD followed by two (2) years of research/teaching experience

For Subject Areas : Social Sciences & Humanities

Qualification : PhD followed by two years of research/teaching experience in a subject area relevant to science and technology.

Engineering Sciences : MTech or equivalent followed by two years of experience in industry, in research, or in teaching, or PhD in engineering/technology.

Medical Sciences : MD/MS/MDS/MVSc/MPharm or equivalent degree followed by two years of Residency in Hospital, or equivalent experience, or research experience, or higher degrees.

Medical candidates should be registered with either the Medical Council of India or the concerned State Medical Council, and should send an attested photocopy of the registration certificate along with the application. They are advised to write to the Secretary, Medical Council of India, Aiwan-E-Ghalib Marg, Kotla, New Delhi-110002, to ascertain information regarding recognition of their Medical Degrees by the Council, and attach an attested photocopy of the reply received from them. Similarly, Dental candidates should be registered with either the Dental Council of India or the concerned State Dental Council, and should attach an attested photocopy of their registration certificate with the application. They are advised to write to the Secretary, Dental Council of India, Aiwan-E-Ghalib Marg, Kotla, New Delhi-110002, to ascertain information regarding recognition of their Dental Degrees by the Council, and attach an attested photocopy of the reply received from them.

The minimum academic scores and publications:

The minimum academic scores and publications: Academic score of at least 55% marks in BSc plus MSc plus three(3) publications/ Academic score of at least 60% marks in BSc plus MSc plus two(2) publications.

Medical Sciences including Dentistry and Veterinary Science : Cumulative academic score of at least 55% marks in the last degree examination plus two (2) publications/ Cumulative academic score of at least 60% marks in the last degree examination plus one (1) publication/ Cumulative academic score for those candidates who did not earn marks or grades in MD/MS is percentage of marks in the first, second and third professional MBBS examinations added together and then divided by 3; for others it is the percentage of marks or grade in MD/MS examination. This applies mutatis mutandis to MDS and MVSc Degrees.

Engineering and Technology : Academic score of at least 55% marks in BE/BTech plus ME/MTech plus two(2) publications/ Academic score of at least 60% marks in BE/BTech plus ME/MTech plus one (1) publication.


(a) Publication(s) will include published paper(s) and those accepted for publication. A paper accepted should be supported by an attested photocopy of the letter of acceptance from the Editor of the Journal. Reprints and preprints should invariably be enclosed with the application. Papers presented will not be considered.

(b) Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) or other grades would be converted into equivalent marks, as per a standard conversion table.


The prescribed application proforma is given as Annexure-(ii). It may be photocopied and used. The instructions relevant to the form may kindly be read in Annexure-(i) before completing it. There is no "last date" for sending the completed application form. Applications are received and processed continuously.

Application Fee

(i) There is an application fee of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only) for candidates applying from within India, and US$ 200 (US Dollar Two Hundred only) for candidates applying from abroad.

(ii) The application fee should be in the form of a Demand Draft payable to The Deputy Secretary, CSIR Complex, Pusa, New Delhi, and should accompany the completed application. The application fee is not refundable.


Selections to the Senior Research Associateship is made by the Special Selection Boards (SSB) constituted for this purpose, on the basis of academic qualifications, professional experience, research publications, and interview. Normally, the selection process takes up to 4 months from the date of receipt of application to the communication of result. Applications should be complete in all respects, in order to avoid delay in processing.

The candidates, who could not be selected by SSB, can reapply only twice after six months from the date of the last interview.


The basic pay of a Senior Research Associate is fixed between Rupees 8,000 and 10,325 per month, depending upon qualifications, experience, research publications, and performance in the interview. In addition, he/she is entitled to the allowances (excluding Transport Allowance) admissible to employees of CSIR. The basic pay fixed is final. No revision thereof is possible. No annual increment is allowed to a Senior Research Associate.


The tenure in the Senior Research Associateship Scheme is for a limited period of three years. No extension of the tenure is granted. Continuation in the scheme from year to year, during the tenure, is based on progress reports on the performance of work and confidential reports obtained periodically from the institution of placement.


Selected candidates are placed in universities and other institutions of higher education, national laboratories, other R&D organizations, central and state government departments, public sector undertakings, and State Councils of Science and Technology. SRAs are not attached to private hospitals and private clinics. It is the responsibility of the selected person to contact the Head of the Institution where he/she wishes to be placed and get concurrence in writing for submission to CSIR. On receipt of concurrence, placement order would be issued. CSIR reserves the right to place a candidate in an institution of its choice, and its decision in the matter is final. CSIR also reserves the right to effect change of placement of an SRA during the tenure of the Associateship, without assigning any reason thereof.

Nature of work

The nature of work or duties of a Senior Research Associate will be primarily research. In addition, depending on the organizations of their placement, they may engage themselves in teaching, development and design, and clinical work or some other kind of professional work.

The results of research work may be published in standard refereed journals, acknowledging support of CSIR. The Senior Research Associates are required to send to CSIR copies of reprints, preprints and manuscripts of the research papers, published/accepted for publication, prepared on the basis of research carried out during the SRAship. Acknowledgement of CSIR support is mandatory.

CSIR will help to protect the intellectual property rights (IPR) of the SRA, should the work of the SRA lead to filing of a patent. Full rights of the patent shall be assigned to CSIR.

Senior Research Associates are allowed the normal privileges of leave, and tour for professional work but prior permission for these has to be obtained from CSIR. They cannot visit any foreign country for any purpose without obtaining prior approval of CSIR. Failure to obtain prior permission may lead to termination of SRAship.

Contingent Grant

The organization utilizing the services of a Senior Research Associate is expected to provide him/her the necessary facilities for research etc. It may sometimes happen that a few of such facilities may not be available with the organization where he/she is attached. In order to meet such contingencies, CSIR provides a Contingent Grant of Rs. 10,000 (Rupees Ten Thousand only) per annum for the use of the Associate. For part of a year, the contingent grant is made available on a pro rata basis. On receipt of claim bill, the grant is credited to the account of the organization of placement, and the SRA can draw his/her requirements through the Head of the Department.


Senior Research Associates should apply for regular positions in India suitable to their qualifications and experience, and leave the Associateship as early as possible. They are also permitted to join ad-hoc/purely temporary assignments in Government or public sector organizations, during their tenure in the Pool, on request. Leave without pay on secondment basis, up to a period of one year, is allowed for the purpose. However, the secondment period is treated as part of the SRA’s tenure.

Address for Correspondence

All correspondence about the SRAship (Scientists’ Pool Scheme) should be addressed to the Head, Human Resource Development Group, CSIR Complex, Opp. Institute of Hotel Management, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi-110012.


Salient Features of Raman Research Fellowship (RRF)


The Fellowship is granted to the CSIR Scientists / Technologiests for carrying out research in the emerging / high priority areas in reputed foreign institutions / R&D centres of excellence to enhance their R&D skills/capability. The Fellowship is tenable abroad at the cost of CSIR.


Regular Scientists of CSIR with high academic qualifications and research experience, presently working in high priority areas, who have completed minimum 5 years of service in CSIR on the last date for receipt of the applications. The applicant must have made commendable contribution to research / innovation in the proposed area, which should be of international level. Fellowship should not be sought for training or to carry out test etc. using facilities in the host institute. The RRF must be sought to further enhance the skills/capability. The candidate should not be more than 45 year of age.

Fellowship tenure Three to nine months (in one spell only)

Area Applied research topics in the high priority areas of the Laboratory/CSIR and also any specific area under Basic Science of relevance and immediate importance.

Terms During the Fellowship period the scientist will be called "Raman Research Fellow". The Fellow will be sent abroad on deputation terms.

Financial Terms

International air fare to & fro by Economy class

Fellowship @ US $ 1800/- per month

US $ 1000/- Lump sum contingency

Mode of Selection Through interview by Departmental Selection Committee which is constituted by DG CSIR. The candidate must furnish at the time of interview, letter of acceptance from the host intitution duly approved by the Director of the lab / Instt. indicating the specific study work to be carried out abroad. The candidate can make PPT presentation (5 slides) for 7 minutes, first four minutes for the present research activities and last 3 for the proposed research work. 8. Bond The selected candidates shall execute a bond before proceeding abroad on Fellowship to serve the concerned Lab / Instt. for three years on return.

For more Information regarding CSIR awards/ fellowships/ scholarships , please visit CSIR website