PolysacDB Lipoteichoic acids (LTAs) 2401
From DrugPedia: A Wikipedia for Drug discovery
Revision as of 06:13, 8 April 2010
Carbohydrate Name
Lipoteichoic acids (LTAs)
Carbohydrate Class
Source Microbe
Streptococcus mutans Ingbritt
Basic Structure
LTAs are amphiphiles composed of a membrane lipid or glycolipid which is covalently linked to a linear chain of 15 to 30 polyglycerophosphate (PGP) units
Proposed functions
Lipoteichoic acids (LTAs) are present on the surfaces of a majority of gram-positive bacteria and have been shown to constitute 1 to 2% of the dry weight of several organisms
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodies
Ethylene oxide killed cells
Carrier Name
Conjugation Method
Mab 7B11
Antibody type and class
Assay System
This Mab cross-reacted with LTA from L.casei 6375 and L. fermentum but was relatively less efficient in its ability to interact with the LTAs of S. faecium
Proposed epitopes
Glycerophosphate-glycerophosphateglycerol residue backbone seemed to be an important part of the epitope
Proposed Utility
These highly specific reagents [Mabs] should prove useful not only for affinity purification of LTAs but also for experiments designed to define the putative role(s) of LTAs in biological processes