Gene Prediction Methods

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Gene prediction by computational methods for finding the location of protein coding regions is one of the essential issues in bioinformatics.

Two classes of methods are generally adopted:

  • similarity based searches
  • ab initio prediction

List of Gene Prediction Methods

NAME Description Link
GENEID program to predict genes, exons, splice sites and other signals along a DNA sequence Server
BGFhidden Markov model (HMM) and dynamic programming based ab initio gene prediction program Server
GENEPARSERParse a DNA sequence into introns and exonsServer
GENEMARKfamily of gene prediction programs Server
WEBGENEMARK.HMMgene prediction program for prokaryotes and eukaryotes Server
AUGUSTUSpredicts genes in eukaryotic genomic sequencesServer
ATGpridentifying translational initiation sites in cDNA sequences Server
GENIUSlinking ORFs in complete genomes to protein 3D structures Server
NIX web tool for combining results from different programs (GRAIL, FEX, HEXON, MZEF, GENEMARK, GENEFINDER, FGENE, BLAST, POLYAH, REPEATMASKER, TRNASCAN) Server
FRAMEDfind genes and frameshift in G+C rich procaryotic sequences Server
EUGENEgene finding for Arabidopsis thaliana Server
GLIMMERfinding genes in microbial DNA Server
VEILhidden markov model for finding genes in vertebrate DNA Server
MORGAN a decision tree system for finding genes in vertebrate DNAServer
SPLICEPREDICTORa method to identify potential splice sites in (plant) pre-mRNA by sequence inspection using Bayesian statistical models Server
GENESCANfinding genes using Fourier transform Server
Dragon Promoter Finder software for recognition of vertebrate RNA Polymerase II promotersSoftware
NNPPpromoter prediction by neural network Server
NNSPLICEsplice site prediction by neural network Server
Regulatory Sequence Analysis Tools provides a series of modular computer programs specifically designed for the detection of regulatory signals in non-coding sequences. Server
GENOMESCANpredicts locations and exon-intron structures of genes in genomic sequences from a variety of organisms. Server
DIOGENESa system for fast detection of coding regions in short genomic sequences Server
ORF FINDER a graphical analysis tool which finds all open reading frames Server
GrailEXP predicts exons, genes, promoters, polyas, CpG islands, EST similarities, and repetitive elements within DNA sequenceServer
CDS search coding regions source
HMMGENEprediction of vertebrate and c. elegans genes Server
NETGENE2intron splice site prediction in human c. elegans, a. thaliana Server
NETPLANTGENEintron splice site prediction in a. thaliana DNA Server
NETSTARTtranslation start in vertebrate and a. thaliana DNA Server
PROMOTER predicts transcription start sites of vertebrate PolII promoters in DNA sequences Server